Sunday, July 29, 2007

Stefan Sagmeister

Hi everyone.

This is your first post in the Blog design brief for Professional Design Practice. It is due at the start of our next class....
Remember to read the brief if you need to refresh your memory about the task.

Today's class activity is to complete the following image related task:

1. Read the interviews with international designer Stefan Sagmeister supplied as notes for last week's class. One interview comes from an Australian design magazine published in Tasmania called Typotastic. The other is from an archive of interviews at

2. Search Stefan Sagmeister in Google or another search engine to locate an image/images related to the themes in the article.

3. Post the image and write up your thoughts about how the themes in the interviews and the image you selected are related. The image could be the work of Sagmeister himself or somthing else you find in your search.

Happy blogging!

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