Tuesday, November 13, 2007

jess - tiles

My initial idea was to go with something to do with type. Using differnt word sizes and meanings to emphasise differnt ways to create what they meant.
After i had played around with that idea, i decided it wasnt really working for me so i went on with some more brain storming.
I thought about makeup or a blank canvas type of situtation and went on with brainstorming for that.
This led to a bigger idea of having a face starting with no makeup then using the same face/picture putting differnt styles and ways of doing making to explain different workplace design processes. At first it was difficult thinking of different situations with makeup. Though i played around with differnt words and quotes and makeup ideas and came to my final idea. Therefore my tiles are of makeup depicting the design processes. Overall i am happy with my outcome and it worked a lot better than i was expecting, i hope everyone else thinks so and understands my concept.

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