Tuesday, December 4, 2007

Jacqui - TILES elements & principles

With so many facets of the industry to choose from, and being an indecisive personality, deciding on a concept to represent was my first hurdle.
I started by researching quotes on design when I stumbled across the KISS principle (keep it simple, stupid), which appealed to my sense of style. Applying this principle I decided to represent some basic elements and principles of design. Those being, colour, contrast, texture, collaboration, research, passion, typography, and of course the KISS principle.
Struggling to understand the concept of a visual metaphor my initial attempts weren’t satisfying but I persevered in the absence of a better idea. Time was running out and while searching for images for another project I came across the life cycle of a butterfly, which switched on a light (finally). Continuing my search I noticed that the images of the butterflies would lend themselves perfectly to a visualisation of the elements and principles I was attempting to express.
The project had gone from one that I was finding a chore and lacked the motivation to do, to a very satisfying experience and rewarding result. Enjoy:)

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